Tips for supplying artwork

  •   Our preferred file format is high resolution PDF
  •   Ensure artwork is supplied at the correct size with a minimum of 3mm bleed (except envelopes) and crop/trim marks.
  •   Artwork must be set to the correct colour mode

Full Colour / Four Colour Process / CMYK - These are all different terms used to describe the same method of printing. CMYK is short for Cyan – Magenta – Yellow - Black. These colours are layered on press in varying ratios to achieve the colour required (e.g. If the following breakdown is used the result will be a colour known as Reflex Blue – C: 100% / M: 73% / Y: 0% / K: 2%) Any artwork containing a photo image will need to be printed using this method. This method is available for both digital and offset printing.

Spot Colour / Pantone / PMS Colour - These are also different terms used to describe the same thing. This is a different method of printing to CMYK and matches colours more precisely. The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a series of books with thousands of precisely printed colours alongside printers’ formulas for mixing those colours. Printers mix inks using these specific formulas, much like paint. Most logos are created in specific pantone colours and it is often the best and most cost effective way to print business stationery such as letterheads and envelopes. It is not possible to print digital or photo images using this method.

  •   All fonts to be embedded or outlined
  •   Borders to be a minimum of 5mm wide

If you are unsure what all of this means or how to do it, your artwork is probably not press ready.

You can still supply us with what you’ve got and our graphic designer can check your files and make them press ready for a small additional fee.