Marketing Tips for Trade Shows & Events
- Published: Monday, 02 July 2018 14:34
Marketing Tips to Succeed at Trade Shows and Events
Trade Shows, Conferences and Events can be a fantastic way to market your business and generate leads. The event is specifically targeted at people interested or involved in your business area, so it’s a great way to target your specific customers and build your brand recognition. We have put together some marketing tips, to help you succeed next time you exhibit at a trade show or industry event.

Do Your Research
Participating in a trade show can be a lot of work, so you need to make sure you get it right. Most businesses in Perth will have a trade show, conference or large-scale event, that caters to their industry, and in some cases, there are several. The biggest hesitation for businesses to exhibit at trade shows is the upfront cost. Not only can they be quite expensive to be a part of, but they will also take up a lot of your time. You may also be surrounded by your competitors, who are likely to be exhibiting at the same event. For this reason, it pays to thoroughly investigate your options, and choose the best event for your business.
The old saying ‘don’t reinvent the wheel’ can certainly apply here. Try attending a few events, and get a feel for what works (and what doesn’t)! This is a terrific way to gain some industry knowledge and see what your competitors are offering. Learning more about your competitors, can help you clearly define your unique points of difference, and ensure you demonstrate these to your potential customers.
Set KPIs Before the Event
What does a successful event look like for you? Is it lead generation, business branding, sales, research? Set yourself some measurable goals before the event, so you can measure your return on investment. Clearly defining your goals, can help you stay on track before, during and after the event, and ensure you make the most of this marketing opportunity.
Get Your Resources Right
How busy are you going to be? The trade show will have expected foot traffic numbers or ticket sale figures, so you can get a good gauge on how busy you will be on the day. Make sure you have enough staff to cover the expected volume of foot traffic, as there is nothing worse than an interested potential customer getting fed up waiting to talk to you, and walking away – not the first impression you are looking for!
Your team will also need regular breaks, to make sure they stay motivated throughout the day. Consider providing stools they can rest on between customers. Often if you have chairs behind a desk, this makes you and your team look less approachable. Stools keep you on your feet, while still providing some respite in the down time.
Clear Call to Actions
What do you want your potential customers to do, directly following your encounter? Set some clear Calls to Action, to make sure every encounter converts to a lead. These can be actions such as entering a competition, signing up to a mailing list or following you on social media. Make sure you have a clear and easy method of capturing everyone’s details, and moving them into your sales funnel.
Booth Set Up
It’s hugely important you get the booth set up right! People make a judgement in the first few seconds of encountering your brand, so you want to make it a good impression. Make your booth visually appealing with large informational banners, pull up banners, teardrop banners and posters, which are clear to read, and convey your business succinctly. Avoid too much text, you want your team to do the talking, aim to capture their attention and broadly explain what you offer.
Also, give them a reason to stop! If you have ever walked around a trade show, you will know how easy it is to miss an exhibit or two, particularly when it is busy. Free samples are a great way to entice them in, along with competitions, A-Frame Signs and spot prizes. Competitions with wearables such as stickers or hats are great, so you can get people to walk around promoting your brand (and the competition) for you.
The setup also includes you! Make sure you and your staff are dressed appropriately, whether that be in branded uniforms or attire appropriate to your industry.
Marketing Collateral
Don’t let your new potential customers leave empty handed! Make sure you have plenty of printed promotional materials and samples such as notepads and business cards, in a goody bag they can take away with them. All your promotional materials and display should have the same message and branding, and include your clear call to actions. Make sure they keep your brand in mind long after the trade show has ended, and convert into a customer.
Looking for help setting up your trade show or conference exhibit? G Force Printing are the leading supplier of printed promotional materials for Perth businesses. Speak to one of our experts today!